It’s never my intention to wait 17 months to post an update on out here. Honestly It’s never my intention to go a month or more. I believe it was a few year ago I’d said, it would be ideal to shoot for 12 posts a year. That’s not too many, not too few, and since I’ve had this site since, what maybe 2012, that could be a great amount of archival content, especially since most of what I post is how to, or some resource doc or something like that. I think I do most of my daily updates on social media. But alas, honestly even my twitter posts have been a little light as of late. Granted I’ve had some health setbacks, and also really been spending time trying to master the TikTok and Instagram algorithms with my comedy accounts. ( or

I’m making a comeback from the health front, just taking some time. I guess really another big factor is my day to day technology has changes quite a bit over the years. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve been in a SharePoint site. (on premises or o365), besides Microsoft One Drive or Microsoft Teams. Maybe that’s more exaggerated that it seems. It’s probably been weeks not months, and certainly not years. But most of my time now is in Cloud technologies, Dev Ops, Azure, AWS, Mulesoft, Heroku, etc. I still do a ton of PowerShell, and a lot of WordPress. So still heavy in the technology space. Just not as much SharePoint.

So I guess I said all of that to say… I’ll challenging myself to get back to post how to and resource stuff more frequently. I’d love to even step into some other media area’s. Most tech video content, maybe even a random podcast every now and then, who knows. 🙂

Anyways, I’m mainly updating this post, because I got the site back online after it being offline for a bit. I was testing out Linode vs AWS for a bit one VPS’s, and built a couple WordPress Instances running CyberPanel. Moved this website over to them as a good test for performance, stability etc. (Good little toolset, and I really love working on Linux servers, although most of my day to day are Windows Servers.), but anyways, at some point I’d killed my linode server, and well inadvertently killed my website as well. LOL, apparently that was late 2021 or early 2022. I can’t remember, but it’s been offline for a bit. So sorry for those of you who were trying to find old SharePoint Content. It’s back now, although probably pretty well outdated. But I’m back!



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